Wednesday, 4 March 2009


We've been editing our film and its been alot of work. First there was the logging and capturing which took a while to sort out. However with the help of our Edit decision list didn't take half as long as it could have done. Our Edit decision list contains all the scenes and clips we actually need in our film. The list would have been hard to compile if it wasnt for the Recording log which contains all the clips we have filmed, whether they were out-takes, perfect or just a blank screen. At first i suggested we use a soundtrack which sounds like people speaking on the radio to give a slightly eerie feeling and support our storyline (Bloc Party- Hunting for witches). However after putting this into practice we realised that the song was too fast to accompany our slow and creepy film and had to find another soundtrack. We used a black background for the titles which is conventional of a thriller film, and originally we had red font, but we decided that looked more conventional of a horror film than a thriller and changed the font to white.

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