Monday, 30 March 2009

Audience feedback

We have shown our film and allowed people to anomynously submit their opinions and sugestions about our film. This is important in the industry because this allows us to reflect on our work and see if we suceeded in engaging with our key demographic.
We were given 4 good, 1 average and 2 excellent marks overall. We were also given 4 'some imagination', and 4 'high imagination & creative flare'.
Our shot composition was graded overall as a very good, with only one other person scoring ours as average. Our mise-en-scene was graded overall as very good also. Our editing was marked at very good, and our sound and music was graded an excellent, and our titles were given an average. This was the weakest score we recieved.
The constructive crticism we got back was, our storyline was a bit unclear to figure out, and i agree that it is hard to figure out, however as it is only the opening two minutes, a element of mystery is meant to be maintained. We were also told we could use more props, and that our titles were too close together.
The positive feedback we recieved, was praise for our use of music and sound, our editing and smooth transitions.

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